East Antioch Elementary PTA Membership Drive Goal is 100% Participation.
PTA is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their school.
A common misconception about the PTA is that all they do is organize fundraisers and school events. Fund raising is an important and integral part of the PTA. The funds raised by PTA help support many needed programs within the school. But, you don't have to like or be good at fund raising to participate in the PTA. By being a member of and attending PTA meetings you provide a voice as to how the funds that are raised should be spent within our school.
Why Join PTA?
The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. But there are many more advantages. Here are just a few:
Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
Discover Great Resources. The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
Tap into a Network. PTA functions provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, build rapport and discuss parenting issues that are on your mind.
Watch yourself Grow. By volunteering with your PTA, you gain valuable experiences and personal confidence. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause.
Speak Up. Because PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions and more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
Help Your Child Succeed. PTA fosters parent involvement. Parent involvement has been proven by three decades of research to be the greatest predictor of student success.
Witness Improvement. By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes. Local PTAs play an important role in fund raising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, social events – all vital to a school’s success.
Be a Role Model. By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
$7.00 for a single membership or $10.00 for a family membership.
Opt Out Fund Raising
For $25.00 per child in donations you can disregard all fund raising information that is sent home, knowing you already did your part. We will also do our best to make sure fund raising information does not get sent home.
Corporate Memberships/Sponsorships
We are also starting a Corporate membership/sponsorship this year. So if you could ask your employer if they would like to join our community that would be greatly appreciated. For more information please see out page on Corporate
Sponsorship Information.