Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Goes So Fast!

Can you believe it we are almost halfway through summer break! 4th of July is coming up and we thought we would pass on a few safety tips to help your family enjoy the holiday.

-Always have a bucket of water and a hose nearby in case of accidents.

— fireworks can backfire or shoot off in the wrong direction, so never throw or point fireworks at someone.

-Don't hold fireworks in your hand or have any part of your body over them when lighting them.

-Always point fireworks away from homes, and keep away from brush and leaves and flammable substances.

-Soak all fireworks in a bucket of water before throwing them in the trash can.

-If you or your child gets injured by fireworks, immediately go to a doctor or hospital. If an eye injury occurs, don't touch or rub it, this can cause even more damage. Do not flush the eye out with water or attempt to put any ointment on it, immediately seek medical attention. If it's a burn, remove clothing from the burned area and run cool, not cold, water over the burned (do not use ice). Call your doctor immediately.

If you are going to be in an area where it is legal to set off fireworks please remember thee quick tips. Another thing to keep in mind is that the safest way to enjoy 4th of July is leave the fireworks to the professionals. There are several fireworks displays all over the city on the holiday weekend, so pack up the family and a picnic basket and enjoy the festivities.

We have a few more 6th Grade Graduation photos to share with you. These pictures were provided by Joshua Koehler's mom Kris Koehler. Joshua was a graduate of this years East Antioch Elementary graduating class. Once again congratulations to all of the East Antioch Elementary 2010 graduates.

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