Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday America

July 4, 2010 is the 234th Birthday of our great nation and regardless of your political point of view the Declaration of Independence is important to us all. It is the frame work of our government and the Constitution of the United States. So if you are looking to do something different with the family this year, then take a few moments and read the Declaration of Independence and maybe even the Constitution with your kids. I am sure most of you have not taken the time to do this for a very long time. So turn this July 4th into a learning experience for your family. Who knows, maybe you will start a new family tradition. If you want a real treat visit the Library of Congress and see the rough draft of the Declaration for your self.

How Can I Help Corner

We have added a new page to our blog. The "How Can I Help Corner" will be a place to inform our PTA community of ways that all of us can improve our children's educational experience here at East Antioch Elementary. Please check out the first installment on "Why Should I Join the PTA"