Monday, August 30, 2010

Watch Dog Pizza Party Moved to September 16th @ 5:30

The Watch Dog Pizza Party has been moved to September 16th. Calling all Dad's! You need to be a hero in you kid's life and here you can become a hero in our hallways. Come join the Watch Dogs and meet some new friends, touch base with old ones and dust off your favorite supper hero outfit. Fathers and father-figures are invited to sign up to spend one day this year volunteering, serving as a positive male role model and helping increase a sense of security in the building. During their WATCH D.O.G.S. day, dads will engage in various activities such as welcoming students during arrival, reading to classes, tutoring small groups of students, having fun at recess or simply sitting down and connecting with students during lunch. Our school gain an extra set of eyes and ears. The presence of WATCH D.O.G.S.(r) can increase a sense of security at the building and helps create an environment conducive to learning.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First PTA Meeting

Our first meeting is Tuesday, September 7th. The Panther Press reported that it is on the 9th and it was reported at Back to School night as the 9th. It really is scheduled for the 7th per our magnetic calendar. Please except our apology for the confusion.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yearbook Info

Yearbooks will be sent home via backpack mail on Friday. If you have any questions please contact Erin Anderson, PTA President.

Pre-School Program Volunteer--LeAnn Ahlvers

LeAnn is not a parent at the East Antioch, but she is the Y-Care Kids Club Site Director for East Antioch. So if you get a chance drop by and introduce yourself and thank her for volunteering for a very important part of our school's PTA program.

Staff Luncheon Thank You!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Spirt Wear Orders--First Order Deadline is August 26th

You saw our new Spirit Wear at the Ice Cream Social and now you can show your own Panther Pride with the purchase of your own Spirit Wear. Our first order will close on August 26th.  You can order online at or you can fill out an order form  and return it to the school office by August 26th.  If you have questions you can email Erin Anderson at .

Ice Cream Social was a Success!

Thanks to everyone for coming to the Sneak Peak and Ice Cream Social!!! We managed to polish off 450 cups of Ice Cream that was generously donated to us by Sonic. I hope all that attended had a good time catching up with old friends. A big Panther Paw Thank You to all of our volunteers for helping out; we could not have done it without you!!

We would also like to thank all of the parents that joined the PTA and for all of you that volunteered for future events and programs. We are still looking for volunteers for the Carnival and Fun Run. If you are interested please let us know. The more parents that get involved in our PTA the better our programs will be. For those of you that joined the PTA at the Ice Cream Social, you were added to the drawing for our gift card give away, winners are listed below.
PTA Gift Card Winners from Ice Cream Social:
Amy Harris $20.00 Barnes and Noble
Dan Kersting $20.00 Price Chopper
Lisa Miller $20.00 Price Chopper
Jennifer Dodd $20.00 Wal-Mart
Beth Boldt $20.00 Target
Winners have been notified and your cards have been sent to you.
Thanks again for making our first PTA event a great success!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kindergarten Kleenex--Volunteer Request by Lara Hughes

Join us in the cafeteria Wed August 18th for Kindergarten Kleenex! After you drop your kindergartner off - join us for coffee, breakfast goodies, and support! Meet new parents and learn more about our school.

Kindergarten Kleenex is Wednesday August 18th starting at 8:15 AM. Lara Hughes is looking for some volunteers that would like to bake or donate a breakfast goody (bagels, muffins, donuts, etc.) for this event. If you would like to contribute please email her at We are asking that you drop it off in the cafeteria on Wednesday morning before 8:00 AM. Kindergarten Kleenex will start at 8:15 We are also asking for donation of 2 jugs of orange juice, foam cups, napkins,and paper plates.

Thanks for your help!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kansas Pta: 10 Ways for Parents to Help Teachers

From our friends at Kansas PTA. Some tips for you and your student.

Kansas Pta: 10 Ways for Parents to Help Teachers

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yearbooks are here!!!!

Last year's yearbooks are now in. They are available for pick up at the school on Wednesday from 4:45 - 7:00 and on Thursday night from 4:45 - 7:00. Otherwise you may pick them up at the Ice Cream Social. If we have any remaining, people will be contacted for pick-up.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome Letter

PTA President, Erin Anderson's Welcome Letter.